Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So, i've written about autism, a very prevalent issue in our household, but as of last November we received a new issue to deal with - ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Unfortunately, because it is so over-diagnosed it is hard to take serious sometimes and have other people think that it is a serious issue as well. Thor-thor had to be taken out of school because of the ADHD, he couldn't function and was stressed out because he kept getting in trouble every day. This was something I couldn't do to my 4 year old. 
One thing one of the Doctors told us was that ADHD is really a misnomer. It should instead be called something to the effect of Emotionality-Impulsivity Disorder because that explains the children's behaviors much more accurately. I for one, agree because I feel it's not truly his attention or hyperactivity that is hard to deal with but the extreme emotional swings over seemingly minor issues. And then add to that the impulsive actions (usually dangerous) such as playing swords with knives (big serrated bread ones...locked up now) and eating medicine (ALL REALLY LOCKED UP NOW, not just high cabinet), just to name a few, and it can get really difficult to deal with. 
I struggle with being patient with him but balanced with the correct type of discipline (haven't found it yet...) yet remembering that he really does try to be good, he just forgets all to easily.  
We have contemplated the medication route, his first psychologist wanted us to medicate him in order to keep him in school. I wasn't ready to take that action yet so instead brought him home. We have really been focusing on his behavior and the consequences and I have seen some improvements in his overall behavior. Unfortunately, because of his behavior we have had to take him out of our family gym multiple time and he has been dismissed from sunday school multiple times as well for hitting, or being completely uncooperative and un-managable for the teachers. I actually quite going to the gym or taking him places for a long period of time because i didn't know what to do with him. 
Many people that read this will be thinking, well you just aren't being disciplined with him, consistent in his punishments, or not punishing him enough. Just spank him some, he'll straighten out. 
Sorry, it's not that easy. Orit I can send to her room to help her change her attitude, a spanking will see her contrite and sorry. Thor, well, it's a bit more complex than that. 
We did have a great prayer time 2 weeks ago at church when I was just at the end of my rope with him and I know God has opened up the door to allow us to make some headway with Thor. In August, I have an appointment with his Doctor to discuss medications so we can help Thor. It's hard for him to always be the one in trouble, and he really tries to control himself, sometimes. He has a sweet heart and loves Jesus so much. It is such a blessing to hear him pray. I just want to be able to help him succeed.